Crown of Life Church and School for Sale

4345 Ten Mile Rd, Warren MI 48091

The church (4345 Ten Mile, Warren) is available for sale. The property includes the church building, parking lot, school and shed at the west side of the parking lot. The complete parcel is 1.94 acres including the grass northeast corner for expansion. The school section was built in 1945 with the church added in 1955.

The sanctuary, fellowship hall, and classrooms total approx. 11,587 square feet.

215 persons in pews, The sanctuary is approx. 68 ft by 28 ft . The pastor’s office is 14 ft x 16 ft and is adjacent to the altar. A balcony can house the sound board.

Fellowship Hall
50 ft by 48 ft at the south east corner of the building adjacent to the kitchen.

Kitchen Area
16 ft x 18 ft nest to the fellowship hall. The sinks and stove have been removed but the plumbing and electric remain in place for easy conversion from storage room to kitchen.

10 classrooms are spread throughout the building. The classroom section has three large classrooms (22 ft by 16 ft and 26 ft by 16 ft)

Handicap Access
The school section, fellowship hall and kitchen are on zero grade (no steps) with handicap bathrooms. The sanctuary section has a handicap ramp for access.

3 offices are located throughout the building. The pastor’s office is 14 ft by 16 ft. Multiple classrooms could be easily converted to offices.

Circular Drive
A circular drive is in front of the sanctuary, what a great way to add prestige to weddings and other important events.

School Leaseback
Crown of Life School is still in operation at the location. They would like to sell the property and lease the school section through the 2019-2020 school year.

The grassy area on the northeast corner of the building (83 ft x 169 ft) is ready.

Outdoor Storage
A storage shed is located on the west end of the property. This a great place to store lawn mowers, snow throwers and other yard equipment.

Parking Lot
The on site parking lot has room for 84 cars.

22,352 cars per day on 10 Mile(SEMCOG 2006)

Heating and Cooling
A boiler heats the church section and forced air furnaces heat and cool the school section.